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Bantu Mereka Harumkan Nama Bangsa

Berkontribusi dalam mengharumkan nama bangsa di mata dunia melalui kanal


Bantu Mereka yang Ingin Mengharumkan Nama Bangsa

Lomba Internasional

Mendukung atlet/peserta lomba di kancah internasional


Mendukung atlet/peserta yang memiliki karya di level Internasional


Mendukung atlet/peserta yang memiliki prestasi di level Internasional

About us

Impian mengharumkan nama bangsa adalah misi kami

he new allocation will help expand response to cover those households that are led by women and have elderly, pregnant, or disabled family members, or who have lost all assets.

$ 0 K

Campaign Value

$ 0 K

Fund Raised

$ 0 K

Education Budget
Our Unity

Mari Berkolaborasi dengan Kami untuk mengharumkan nama Bangsa.

The world calls for, and expects from us, simplicity of life, the spirit of prayer charity towards all, especially towards the lowly and the poor. When someone does something that they know that they shouldn’t do.






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Active Campaign

Rencana Kami

Educations for Children

As flood water recedes from most parts of Indonesia and tough challenges such as scarcity.

Food for hungry peoples

As flood water recedes from most parts of Indonesia and tough challenges such as scarcity.

Medicine for people

As flood water recedes from most parts of Indonesia and tough challenges such as scarcity.

home For Homeless People

As flood water recedes from most parts of Indonesia and tough challenges such as scarcity.

Active Campaing

Some Good Causes


Their Thoughts About Our Work

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